Hairspray - iShow.gr
Τζον Τραβόλτα
Edna Turnblad
Μισέλ Φάιφερ
Velma Von Tussle
Κρίστοφερ Γουόκεν
Wilbur Turnblad
Αμάντα Μπάινς
Penny Pingleton
Τζέιμς Μάρσντεν
Corny Collins
Κουίν Λατίφα
Motormouth Maybelle
Μπρίτανι Σνόου
Amber Von Tussle
Ζακ Έφρον
Link Larkin
Elijah Kelley
Allison Janney
Prudy Pingleton
Νίκι Μπλόνσκι
Tracy Turnblad
Τέιλορ Παρκς
Little Inez
Jayne Eastwood
Miss Wimsey
Πολ Ντούλεϊ
Mr. Spritzer
Τζέρι Στίλερ
Mr. Pinky
Ντάρεν Φροστ
Τζον Γουότερς
Τζον Parro
Νικ Λόρεν
Cop Nick
Μπράιαν Hindle
Link's Backup Singer (ως Brian Hindle)
Sheldon Σμιθ
Link's Backup Singer
Greg Farkas
Link's Backup Singer / Teen
Μπρους McFee
Police Chief
Κρίστιαν Hagen
Male TV Reporter
Τζον Άντερσεν
News Anchorman
Neil Crone
Cop at Protest
Τζωρτζ Κινγκ
Mr. Flak
Τζέιμς Kirchner
Science Geek Teacher
Μπρένταν Γουόλ
Male Cop on TV
Τεντ Ludzik
Police Sergeant at Protest
Ρον Pardo
Good Morning Baltimore Host
Geri Χολ
Good Morning Baltimore Hostess
Seth Χάουαρντ
Stage Manager
Ρίκι Λέικ
Talent Agent
Άνταμ Σάνκμαν
Talent Agent
Μαρκ Shaiman
Talent Agent
Σκοτ Wittman
Talent Agent
Αν Φλέτσερ
Nurse (ως Anne 'Mama' Fletcher')
Joey Pizzi
Driving Instructor
Zachary Woodlee
Smoking Teacher (ως Zach Woodlee)
Walli Woo
Barking Dog
Laura Έντουαρντς
Vicky - Corny Collins Council
Becca Sweitzer
Darla - Corny Collins Council
Cassie Σίλβα
Brenda - Corny Collins Council
Tiffany Engen
Noreen - Corny Collins Council
Μπρουκ Engen
Doreen - Corny Collins Council (ως Brooke Leigh Engen)
Σάρα Jayne Jensen
Shelley - Corny Collins Council
Hayley Podschun
Tammy - Corny Collins Council
Νικ Baga
Sketch - Corny Collins Council
Curtis Holbrook
Brad - Corny Collins Council
J.P. Ferreri
Joey - Corny Collins Council
Σπένσερ Liff
Mikey - Corny Collins Council
Phillip Spaeth
Fender - Corny Collins Council
Tabitha Lupien
Becky - Corny Collins Council
Κέλι Φλέτσερ
Lou Ann - Corny Collins Council
Jesse Weafer
IQ - Corny Collins Council / Welcome to the 60's Dancer
Corey Gorewicz
Bix - Corny Collins Council
Τζος Φέλντμαν
Jesse - Corny Collins Council / Welcome to the 60's Dancer (ως Joshua Feldman)
Everett Σμιθ
Paulie - Corny Collins Council / Welcome to the 60's Dancer
Ariel Reid
Rhonda - Detention Kid
Γούιτνι Μπράουν
Hoo Hoo - Detention Kid
Τζέισον Dolphin
Tyrone - Detention Kid
Anthony Carr
Duane - Detention Kid (ως Anthony 'Kanec' Carr)
Κρις Ρόμπινσον (ηθοποιός)
Jermaine - Detention Kid (ως Christopher Andrew Robinson)
Σάρα Φράνσις
Janetta - Detention Kid
Starr Domingue
Pearl - Detention Kid
Shawn Byfield
Little Mo - Detention Kid
Shane Σίμπσον
Skillet - Detention Kid
Τζέιντ Άντερσον
Stooie - Detention Kid
Rhonda Roberts
Maybelle's Store Dancer
Τζένιφερ Abbey
Maybelle's Store Dancer
Sherisse Springer
Maybelle's Store Dancer
Βανέσα Cobham
Maybelle's Store Dancer
Eboni Νίκολς
Maybelle's Store Dancer (ως Eboni Y. Nichols)
Χόλι Hyman
Maybelle's Store Dancer
Jamal Sims
Maybelle's Store Dancer
Ντέιμον Μπάτλερ
Maybelle's Store Dancer
Στέφεν Μπος
Maybelle's Store Dancer
Μαρκ Spaulding
Maybelle's Store Dancer
Arike Ράις
Tanee McCall
Dynamites (ως Tanee McCall)
Ναντίν Έλις
Reggie Τζάκσον
Record Hop Dancer
Tramaine Montell Ford
Record Hop Dancer
Khetanya Χέντερσον
Record Hop Dancer
Loriel Hennington
Record Hop Dancer
Ντάνιελ Dyer
Record Hop Dancer
Κρίστεν Munro
Record Hop Dancer
Ίνγκριντ Gaynor
Record Hop Dancer
Στέισι Μάρτιν
Record Hop Dancer
Σαλ Scozzari
Good Morning Baltimore Dancer / Welcome to the 60's Dancer
Charles Seminerio
Good Morning Baltimore Dancer / Welcome to the 60's Dancer
Άλισον Smyth
Κριστίν Μουρ
Έμιλι Άντριους
Julianne Τζάκσον
Laura Λόσον
Μελίσα Leifer
Janelle Hutchison
Τζένι Πάρσονς
Σούζαν Henley
Gerry Mendicino
Νικ Settimi
Record Store Owner
Kyle Golemba
Tiffany Γκριν
Mr. Pinky's Customer
Rachael Dolan
Mr. Pinky's Customer
Κριστίνα Uranowski
Mr. Pinky's Customer
Σάρλοτ Ζίβακ
Mr. Pinky's Customer
Ντέμπορα Overes
Mr. Pinky's Customer
Μαίρη McCandless
Mr. Pinky's Seamstress
Sharron Μάθιους
Mr. Pinky's Cashier
Τζέφρι Τζέιμς
Gawky Kid
Κάρλα Guiliani
Welcome to the 60's Dancer
Chantelle Λεονάρντο
Welcome to the 60's Dancer
Μελίσα Γουΐλιαμς
Welcome to the 60's Dancer (ως Melissa Williams Schifanelli)
Krystal Garib
Welcome to the 60's Dancer
Τζέσικα Ντόσον
Welcome to the 60's Dancer
Sheri Godfrey
Welcome to the 60's Dancer
Τζέσικα Keeling
Welcome to the 60's Dancer
Romina D'Ugo
Welcome to the 60's Dancer
Τζούλια Juhas
Welcome to the 60's Dancer
Σίντι Willems
Welcome to the 60's Dancer
Faye Rauw
Welcome to the 60's Dancer (ως Faye Lynn Rauw)
Niky Τζόνσον
Welcome to the 60's Dancer
Σάνον Whelan
Welcome to the 60's Dancer
Diana Coatsworth
Welcome to the 60's Dancer
Keri Tkacz
Welcome to the 60's Dancer
Κρίστα Leis
Welcome to the 60's Dancer
Σάμι Rosen
Welcome to the 60's Dancer
Stephen Findlay
Welcome to the 60's Dancer
Μάικ Cota
Welcome to the 60's Dancer
Ντένις Lupien
Welcome to the 60's Dancer
Serge Kushnier
Welcome to the 60's Dancer
Όστιν Di Iulio
Welcome to the 60's Dancer (ως Austin DiIulio)
Chad McFadden
Welcome to the 60's Dancer
Τεντ Banfalvi
Welcome to the 60's Dancer
Shaun Amyot
Welcome to the 60's Dancer
Blaine Totten
Welcome to the 60's Dancer
Γκλεν Κερ
Welcome to the 60's Dancer
Πολ Γκόρντον
Welcome to the 60's Dancer
Gerard McIsaac
Welcome to the 60's Dancer
Τζος Epstein
Welcome to the 60's Dancer
Ντέρεκ Gilroy
Welcome to the 60's Dancer
A. Frank Ruffo
Welcome to the 60's Dancer
Darcy Έβανς
Welcome to the 60's Dancer
Μαρκ Kimelman
Welcome to the 60's Dancer
Λάρι Mannell
Welcome to the 60's Dancer
Γουόλι Μάικλς
Welcome to the 60's Dancer
Μάθιου Caruso
Welcome to the 60's Dancer
Lyne Tremblay
Welcome to the 60's Dancer
Μαίρη Πιτ
Welcome to the 60's Dancer
Τζάνις Luey
Welcome to the 60's Dancer
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